Transformers stars Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a teenager who gets caught up in a war between the heroic Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday machinery, primarily vehicles. The Autobots intend to use the AllSpark, the object that created their robotic race, in an attempt to rebuild Cybertron and end the war while the Decepticons desire control of the AllSpark with the intention of using it to build an army by giving life to the machines of Earth.
144min A young man Kentaro Saeki (Haruma Miura) keeps failing his bar test and does not know what to do any more. His older sister Keiko is a freelance writer. Kentaro and Keiko begin to search for information on their grandfather Kyuzo Miyabe (Junichi Okada) who dead in the special forces during World War II. Their grandfather Kyuzo Miyabe was terrified of death and obsessed with life. Why did he join the special forces?
According to his fellow navy soldiers, Kyuzo Miyabe was a genius and also a coward. Kentaro and Keiko then discovers the shocking truth which has been sealed for 60 years.
Watch Transformers The Last Knight 2017 Full Online for Free at Autobots and Decepticons are at war, with humans on the sidelines. Optimus Prime is gone. The star actors of Transformers: The Last Knight are Anthony Hopkins, Isabela Moner, Jerrod Carmichael, John Turturro, Josh Duhamel, Laura Haddock, Mark Wahlberg, Minti Gorne, Santiago Cabrera, Stanley Tucci. So far the movie has been viewed 12099 times on 123movies. Watch or download Transformers: The Last Knight 2017 for absolutely free.