There is a lot to be said for tradition! Generations of worshipping congregations have included set prayers within the opening section of their weekly services. Prayers for Lent These prayers might be used in a variety of settings: Opening Prayers (at the beginning of worship) or concluding collects (after the Prayers of the People); for church websites or newsletters; or in personal, small group, or family devotion. First Sunday in Lent Holy One, whom alone we worship and serve.
Epiphany of the Lord COLOR: White SCRIPTURE READINGS: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 THEME IDEAS The light of God’s love shines brightly in these passages. Isaiah speaks of the radiance of God’s glory drawing the nations together. The people come with rejoicing, bearing gifts of gold, and frankincense. Matthew tells of the magi, who followed the star to the Christ child, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Paul proclaims the boundless richness of Christ. This good news brings hope to those who despair. The psalmist reminds us that the true king will judge God’s people with righteousness, bring justice to the poor, and save the lives of the needy. The infant in Bethlehem is this true king. INVITATION AND GATHERING Call to Worship (Isaiah 60, Matthew 2) Arise, shine, for your light has come. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you!
The glory of God shines in the darkness. Lift up your eyes and look around. Follow the star, wherever it leads! Take the journey that leads to the child.
Let your hearts rejoice. Be overwhelmed with joy! We worship the Christ child, the hope of the world.
Opening Prayer (Isaiah 60, Psalm 72, Ephesians 3, Matthew 2) God of mystery, in the darkness of our world your light shines with grace and truth. Open the eyes of our hearts to the glory of your love. Speak your word of truth and joy. May the mystery revealed in Jesus draw us closer to you.
May the wonder of your love fill us with wisdom and peace. As we rejoice in your presence, teach us to seek justice and righteousness. Fill our hearts to overflowing with your joy, your glory, your hope.
PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Prayer of Confession (Psalm 72, Matthew 2) God of starlight, shine your love into the darkness of our lives. Preoccupied with ourselves, we forget the needs of others; we participate in systems that oppress; we accept violence as a way of life; we fail to respond to the cry of others. May your love fall upon us like rain on the mown grass.
May your love wash away our indifference and water the tender shoots of our care and compassion. Nourished in the sunlight of your love, may we grow into people who live in righteousness and who work for justice for all your children. Words of Assurance (Ephesians 3) In Jesus Christ, God has revealed the mystery that brings grace and forgiveness.
The light of God’s love transforms us so that we may act with boldness and confidence. Passing the Peace of Christ (Psalm 72, Ephesians 3) The mystery of Christ has been revealed to the world.
In that mystery, peace abounds. Share the mystery of Christ’s plentiful peace.
Response to the Word (Matthew 2) We have seen your star, O God, shining brightly over us and all the peoples of the earth. Teach us to trust your light. Help us take risks, that we might step out in faith into the unknown. Guide us to the place where you abide, that we may be overwhelmed with joy like the magi before us. Guide us to the stable of your love, that we may offer you the gifts of our lives. THANKSGIVING AND COMMUNION Invitation to the Offering (Matthew 2) The magi paid homage to the child, offering gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
May we too bring the gifts of our lives and offer them in joy to Jesus Christ. Offering Prayer (Psalm 72, Matthew 2) As long ago travelers laid their gifts before the Christ child, we too bring our gifts with great joy. Use our gifts for justice and righteousness, that oppression and violence may cease and peace may flourish.